From Moment to Movement: Picturing Protest in the Kramlich Collection Exhibition
Exploring the many forms of protest, “From Moment to Movement” takes visitors into a journey of how humans have fought for their rights and the rights of others through new media spanning 30 years. With an exhibition layout highlighting the contrast and thematic dissonance between each artwork, visitors are encouraged to take a deeper look into how protest has changed lives and spark lasting societal and cultural change.
Softwares Used: Fusion 360, and Adobe Illustrator
Touchpoints: Exhibition Design, Experiential Design and Graphic Design
Client: Jan Shrem and Maria Manetti Shrem Museum of Art
Year: 2020-2021
Location: Davis, CA
Team: Professor Brett Snyder, Ama Bonsu, Zoey Ward, Genevieve Zanaska, Marcus DuBois, Jen Piccinino, and Alejandra Valladares
The Process
The project began with research— studying how new media has been presented in previous exhibitions. From looking into how sound travels in closed spaces to the interpretive graphics in transitional spaces, we brainstromed through a visitor-centered lense. By asking ourselves how a visitor would interact with each element,
we dove into the idea of implementing scrims, experimenting with reflective surfaces, eye catching exhibition graphics and subtle gallery furniture. Through each phase, our design team worked closely with the Manetti Shrem Museum’s internal team, as we began the process of turning ideas into reality.