Recycling Installation

Recycling begins with a mindset shift— it views single use plastics as valuable instead of wasteful. However, this mindset shift needs to start somewhere. With an incomplete facade inspired by the surrounding mountains of Napa Valley, paired with Talk and Make challenges, players encouraged to look at single use plastics as a tool of creation. While Talk Challenges that encourage players to create meaningful conversations, our Make Challenges encourages players to create by using buildable puzzle pieces made of single use plastics.

Medium Used: Cardboard, Plastic, Cardstock, and Found Items

Touchpoints: Installation Design, Game Design, Project Management, and Team Recruiter

Client: Napa Makes

Year: 2019

Location: Napa, CA

Team: Ama Bonsu, Maggie Chang and Milan Finnie


The Process


At the heart of our installation were two main mindset shifts: the lack of value in single use plastics and a push for a more circular economy. In an event where people come to buy and be creatively inspired, we wanted to use that same energy to awaken the inner child through experimentation. Deeply inspired by Micaella Pedros’

Joining Bottles project, we began looking at plastic bottles as moldable building blocks which Ama Bonsu then evolved into our buildable puzzle pieces. This paired with a facade designed by Milan Finnie and myself, and challenge graphics by Maggie Chang, we pushed for creative expression in the unexpected.