Fuel Management For At-Risk Species Research Poster

With the tangible effects of climate change and years of fire suppression, at-risk species are at the forefront of experiencing its catastrophic consequences. From the shifting of fire regimes to the increasing wildfire intensity and frequency in a fire-prone ecosystem like California, there is a critical need for a shift in fuel management to account for native at-risk species. This poster highlights the context of this issue, its impact as well as its implications for the future.

Softwares Used: Adobe Illustrator

Touchpoints: Layouting, Illustration Curation & Design Research

Mockup Credit: ls

Client: Fire Ecology Course

Year: 2020

Location: Davis, CA


The Process


Designed to be presented alongside a class assigned research paper, this poster highlights its main findings. I first began with jotting down critical pieces of information and layout its background according to its three major themes. With graphics curated from Vecteezy (due to a tight 1 day turnaround) I designed

each section’s background and content with illustrations that best represent the impact of wildfires during, immediately after and years after its burn. With the copy and graphics solidified, I began playing with different opacities, layered illustrations and content layouts to create a better visual hierarchy.