Lake Merritt & MacArthur BART Mobility Hub

Initially designed for the Lake Merritt BART station, the project has been adapted for the MacArthur BART station. With micromobility services and accessibility championed throughout our proposal, the MacArthur BART Mobility Hub echoes the transitionary spirit of the station. From designating micromobility spaces to bridging the language barrier through icon-centric wayfinding, this mobility hub aims to reimagine the MacArthur station as a diverse transit center with ample accessible micromobility options and aims of lowering carbon emissions for commuters.

Softwares Used: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and Google Earth

Touchpoints: Graphic Design, Design Research and Experiential Design

Mockup Credit: mockups-design

Client: Adapting City Lab, and BART

Year: 2021

Location: Oakland, CA

Team: Professor Beth Ferguson, and Tian Feng


The Process


As a research assistant, I worked closely with Professor Beth Ferguson in the ideation of the hub’s features as well as participating in the research that upholds it. Between assisting in interviews with industry experts and stakeholders to better understand user needs, and championing the implementation of public art spaces to

reflect the Lake Merritt culture, my responsibilities were most prominent in the creation of a graphic language and ecosystem. Here, I began with plotting spaces for each key feature, and built upon them by designing details that highlighted both the usage of the space and the culture that it is rooted on.